Did Something Wet Just Drop?

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You’re walking to the kitchen to get a drink of water in the middle of the night. There’s a storm, and the rain is heavy enough to knock on the windows like a lightly tapping stranger. As you may your way back, a cold, quick touch lands on your shoulder. Was that rain? It can’t be rain, you’re indoors. Was it just your imagination, or did something splash from your glass of water?…

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Preventing Window Condensation From Causing Appearance And Moisture Problems In Your Home

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Condensation problems around windows can cause pesky problems in Canadian buildings when the temperature outside drops during the winter. Condensation develops because of humidity and temperature differences between the outside and the inside of a building.  Not only can condensation create a grungy, unattractive appearance on both the exterior and interior of a home, but it can also lead to moisture damage such as staining and mold growth. If you’ve noticed that your windows accumulate excessive condensation during the colder months of the year, you can do the following to improve the situation:…

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Oily Curb Appeal? 3 Simple Solutions For Removing Oil Spots Off Your Driveway And Walkway

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Owning a home can be challenging, but with proper upkeep, your house can be a worthwhile investment. While mowing the lawn and repainting your front door enhances the look of your home, focusing on your driveway is also smart. Considering your driveway and walkway leading up the your front door are important elements in your home’s total curb appeal, ensuring they are clean and in good condition is essential. Using one of these simple solutions, you can remove oily, greasy spots from your concrete driveway and walkway and enhance your curb appeal and value.…

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