Boosting The Efficiency Of Your Furnace

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In the quest for lower heating bills, all is not done when you buy yourself a highly efficient condensing furnace. A furnace is only one element involved in efficiently heating your home. You also have to consider your air delivery system and the insulation of your home. Leaky HVAC ducts and poor weatherstripping around windows and doors can lead to a loss in efficiency and an uptick in the price for heating your home.…

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How To Install A Hardwood Floor Medallion Inlay

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A wood medallion inlay, from a company like A B Cushing Mills Ltd, in the center of a hardwood floor adds a sophisticated focal point to almost any room. When selecting medallions, look to other hardwood elements in the room to come up with an attractive but contrasting color to the floor. For example, using the same stain colors for the medallion that you see in a nearby stair banister or the room’s trim can help pull all the different wood elements together.…

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3 Must Have Items For Any Construction Contract

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When it comes to hiring a contractor to perform work on your house, nothing is as important as the contract itself. Yet many people fail to understand all of the points that a contract should address. If you will soon be hiring a contractor to work on your house, read on. This article will present three essential items to include in your contract.  1. Payment Clause It is vital that your contract include a fully itemized breakdown of all payments you will be making to the contractor.…

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